HDMI vs DisplayPort for gaming

October 25, 2021


Gaming is all about achieving the best visual output and smooth gameplay to have an immersive experience. But in order to achieve that, one must have a proper understanding of the display technology they are using. One of the biggest debates in the gaming community is whether to use HDMI or DisplayPort for gaming. Let's dive into a factual comparison to find out which one is better for gaming.

HDMI vs. DisplayPort

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) and DisplayPort are both popular digital interfaces for computers and display devices. HDMI was released in 2002 by a group of manufacturers, including Sony, Philips, and Toshiba. DisplayPort, on the other hand, was released in 2006 by VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association). Both interfaces have been updated over the years and offer different versions.


Bandwidth is the measurement of how fast data flows between the source and display. The higher the bandwidth, the better the display quality. HDMI 2.1 currently offers 48 Gbps (Gigabits per second) of bandwidth, which is more than enough to support 4K at 60Hz and even 8K at 60Hz in some cases. DisplayPort 1.4, on the other hand, offers 32.4 Gbps which is still enough to handle 4K at 144Hz or 8K at 30Hz.

Refresh Rates

Refresh rate is the number of times a display updates the image every second. The higher the refresh rate, the smoother the gameplay. HDMI 2.1 supports 4K at 120Hz, whereas DisplayPort 1.4 supports 4K at 144Hz. For those who want the best refresh rate, DisplayPort is the way to go.


HDMI is the more widely used interface, and most modern TVs and monitors come with HDMI ports. It is also great for connecting other devices, such as home theatre systems and gaming consoles. DisplayPort, on the other hand, is mostly used for gaming monitors and high-end displays. In general, most devices will work with both interfaces, but DisplayPort is the better choice for higher-end displays.


HDMI supports multi-channel digital audio, whereas DisplayPort supports up to eight channels of uncompressed audio. Both can pass-through Dolby Digital and DTS audio signals. If you need high-quality audio for your gaming setup, either interface will do the job.


Both HDMI and DisplayPort are excellent choices for gaming, but it all depends on personal preferences and specific needs. If you are looking for the highest refresh rates and smoothest gameplay, DisplayPort is the way to go. If compatibility with other devices is a priority, HDMI is probably the better choice. Ultimately, it's up to the gamer to decide which one to use.


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